By now, I should have a crystal-clear picture of my ancestry.
Both 23andMe and AncestryDNA have done a good job of confirming my Scandinavian origins.
So when I decided to try National Geographic's new Geno 2.0 test, I expected my results to be roughly the same.
National Geographic's Genographic Project has been around since 2005, making it one of the earliest genetics tests. A few months ago, it switched over to Helix's next-generation sequencing platform for its Geno 2.0 test.
What I got in my inbox looked nothing like what I'd seen before.
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A box containing my Genographic Project Geno 2.0 test arrived at my office in December, and I couldn't wait to check it out.

Inside the sleeve was a booklet and a box from Helix. A company spun off from the sequencing giant Illumina, Helix is positioning itself as the app store for your DNA. Once I sent in the tube of spit containing my DNA, Helix could apply that information to other tests down the line — not just the National Geographic one I was trying.

Source: Business Insider
The box was unlike other DNA tests I've tried. The combination of geometric shapes and bright boxes made it fun, and when I lifted up the pink box I found a helpful tip written underneath: "Having trouble salivating? Think about lemons!"

See the rest of the story at Business Insider