- Researchers at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution in Alachua, Florida, have succeeded in adding four artificial nuclear bases to natural DNA.
- The team has dubbed the new DNA "Hachimoji", after the term "eight letters" in Japanese.
- As well as possibly being able to build previously non-existent proteins with the new DNA, scientists may be able to use it to better understand the kinds of molecules that could exist in alien organisms.
Deoxyribonucleic acid — also known as DNA — is the molecule that contains the genetic instructions for growth, functioning, and reproduction in all known living organisms, as well as in a number of viruses.
Comprised of two chains coiled around each other in a double helix, DNA consists of four organic bases — adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T).
However, according to a press release from Science Alert scientists have now managed to use synthetic bases to incorporate extra letters into the DNA double helix, expanding the genome molecule by four components.
The artificial DNA can carry out the same processes as natural DNA
In addition to the A, C, G, and T bases, the new DNA structure — dubbed the Hachimoji helix after the Japanese word for "eight letters"— consists of the four natural nuclein bases as well as four synthetic ones, denoted by the letters "Z", "P", "S" and "B".
The most important quality of this new structure is that, although it's been artificially synthesised, it possesses all the essential properties of its natural counterpart: the synthetic bases of Hachimoji DNA form four complementary pairs and form hydrogen bonds with their respective partners.
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They're designed so that they fit seamlessly into DNA's natural "spiral staircase" structure. Throughout their research, the scientists had to pay particularly close attention to these factors.
They also had to ensure that enzymes would be able to read and copy normal DNA into synthetic DNA so these proteins could successfully interact between the two types of DNA.
This DNA structure is stable and its reactions are predictable, meaning scientists can determine exactly how it behaves at different temperatures.
So, as well as the bases fitting nicely into DNA's double helix, enzymes are also able to read them as easily as natural bases, in order to form new molecules.
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There's just one thing the synthetic DNA isn't able to do: it can't survive outside the laboratory. This is because it depends on building blocks that aren't naturally occurring.
The new DNA structure could provide scientists with better insights on extraterrestrial life
As well as potentially enabling scientists to produce previously non-existent proteins, the new structure may help scientists better understand the sorts of molecules that might exist in alien organisms.
While hachimoji isn't a self-sustaining organism, it is a model of an alternative genetic structure required to propagate self-sustaining life.
On Earth, the two structures responsible for this process are RNA and DNA — but that's not to say there aren't other variations that exist elsewhere in the cosmos.
While the group certainly aren't claiming hachimojis exist elsewhere, Andrew Ellington, co-author of the study, said in a Sci-News report: "We can imagine parallel processes."
"In 1942, Schrödinger predicted that no matter what genetic polymer life uses, its informational building blocks must all have the same shape and size. Hachimoji meets this prediction," said Steven Benner, another co-author of the study. "By carefully analyzing the roles of shape, size and structure in hachimoji DNA, this work expands our understanding of the types of molecules that might store information in extraterrestrial life on alien worlds."
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"Incorporating a broader understanding of what is possible in our instrument design and mission concepts will result in a more inclusive and, therefore, more effective search for life beyond Earth," said Mary Voytek, senior scientist for Astrobiology at NASA Headquarters in a statement.
"Life detection is an increasingly important goal of NASA's planetary science missions," said Lori Glaze, acting director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division, "and this new work will help us to develop effective instruments and experiments that will expand the scope of what we look for."
If there were extraterrestrial life, it probably wouldn't consist of the same structure as the synthetic DNA, but could consist of a similar arrangement.
"However, it is wrong to say that hachimoji DNA is alien life," Dr. Benner said. "For that, the system also must be self-sustaining."
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