I got my dog’s DNA tested and what I learned shocked me
The board of a luxury New York City apartment complex raised paws last year when it started requiring residents to test the DNA of their dogs before granting them permission to reside there.Its...
View ArticleThis 90-second animation will change your perception of the human body
The human body is a remarkably complex machine, so it would make sense that it houses an abundance of DNA – the blueprints that help guide the body's growth and repair. But how much DNA do our bodies...
View ArticleHere's why we’re still not cloning humans, 20 years after Dolly the sheep
Dolly, the first animal to be cloned from an adult of its species, was born 20 years ago today at the Roslin Institute in Scotland.When her creators announced what they had done, it triggered warnings...
View ArticleMicrosoft set a new record by storing an OK Go music video and the top 100...
Microsoft announced on Thursday that it has set a new record by storing 200 megabytes of data on strands of synthetic DNA. That's about 10 times the previous record. Back in April 2016, Microsoft...
View ArticleWhy a former Under Armour executive just joined a company that wants to...
A company that wants to become a central point to store your genetic information just recruited a former UnderArmour executive as its CEO.Helix launched in August 2015 with $100 million in funding from...
View ArticleScientists might have discovered what causes migraines
Groundbreaking results reveal the importance of blood circulation to the brain in causing migraines.Produced by Benjamin Tumin. Original reporting by Jessica Orwig.Follow BI Video: On TwitterJoin the...
View ArticleDNA might be able to tell us how well our children will perform in school
A new study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatryshows that DNA alone could predict the academic achievement of an individual.It shows that a genetic score made up of 20,000 different DNA can...
View ArticleWe talked to a Harvard geneticist who thinks this unlikely ingredient could...
The next genetically modified food you eat probably won't be a GMO.At least not in the conventional sense of the term, which means genetically modified organism.It will probably be made using Crispr, a...
View ArticleThe untold story of the scientist who helped discover DNA
If ever there was a case of someone who didn't get the recognition she deserved, it's Rosalind Franklin.The British-born chemist did pioneering work that led to the discovery of the structure of...
View ArticleScientists made 4 clones of Dolly the sheep — here's what happened to them all
On July 5, 1996, Dolly the sheep became the world's first ovine (sheepy) superstar.She was the first mammal successfully cloned from an adult cell, ushering in an era where you can special-order cloned...
View ArticleYou could fit the entire human race into a sugar cube — and 13 other facts to...
The universe is a crazy place. In fact, it's probably the craziest place you've ever been.It's full of exploding stars and immortal jellyfish and it's been kicking around for almost 14 billion...
View ArticleWhat a hidden graveyard from the Roman Empire can teach us about the plague
The bodies were discovered accidentally.While digging sewers for a suburban development outside Munich, Germany, construction workers saw what looked like bones. Turns out it wasn’t a single corpse....
View ArticleThis recent scientific finding on DNA could be a forensic breakthrough
It’s hair-raising news for criminals on the run.Scientists behind a new study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, have worked out how to identify individuals solely based on the proteins in a single...
View ArticleSurprising ways that a vegetarian diet is changing human genes
Scientific research earlier this year proved that some vegetarians can produce omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, because of gene mutation that happened over centuries.Researchers reported that people...
View ArticlePolice are routinely building up private DNA databases
The five teenage boys were sitting in a parked car in a gated community in Melbourne, Florida, when a police officer pulled up behind them.Officer Justin Valutsky closed one of the rear doors, which...
View ArticleThis startup is selling $1 million plates of made-to-order, custom-built DNA...
In San Francisco's Mission Bay neighborhood, a 20-minute streetcar ride away from Google's city offices, lies hidden a DNA factory.That's not an embellishment: Twist Bioscience, a venture-funded...
View ArticleScientists have worked out how this tiny bear-like creature is indestructible...
A new protein discovered in tardigrades — or water bears if you want to use their cuter name — helps shield them from harmful radiation, making them virtually indestructible. And researchers hope their...
View ArticleIn a world first, a scientist has begun editing the genes of healthy human...
A scientist in Sweden has begun editing the genes of healthy human embryos for the first time in known history, according to an exclusive report published by NPR.NPR's Rob Stein watched biologist...
View ArticleMonsanto may have just ended the war on GMOs
The next genetically modified food you eat probably won't be a GMO.At least not in the conventional sense of the term, which stands for genetically modified organism.It will probably be made using...
View ArticleThe oldest continuous society began more than 50,000 years ago
The most comprehensive genetic study of Indigenous Australians to date indicates that the group is the oldest continuous civilisation on Earth, dating back more than 50,000 years ago - and that modern...
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