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I got my dog’s DNA tested and what I learned shocked me


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The board of a luxury New York City apartment complex raised paws last year when it started requiring residents to test the DNA of their dogs before granting them permission to reside there.

Its reasoning was that certain dog breeds are aggressive by nature. (The complex also has a list of banned breeds, which includes Pomeranians, according to DNAinfo.)

Beyond a dog's behavior, dog DNA tests claim they can tell you everything from how big a young dog will be to whether it will be good with kids or other pets.

Having experimented with testing my own DNA, I figured it was worth a shot to find out more about my dog. Here's how it went:

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This is Izzie. When I adopted her over a decade ago, I was told she was a mixed-breed golden retriever. She was only a year old, so no one knew how big she'd get (most goldens reach their full size, about 60 lbs., around age 2) or how she'd behave in a house where she was the only pet. Our veterinarian told us she looked like a golden, so it was safe to say she was some kind of (smallish) golden retriever mutt.

Despite our worries, she stayed roughly the same size. And we stayed curious about her heritage. She's now 14 years old, and she's friendly and loyal. Most people get dog DNA tests so they can find out what kind of behavioral traits to expect: Golden retrievers tend to be loyal and good with kids, for example, while dalmatians are super active and generally make good guard dogs.

Source: American Kennel Club

When I got the chance to test her DNA, I seized it. There were several options to choose from, but I picked the Wisdom Panel DNA test developed by MARS Veterinary, the world's largest pet healthcare provider. At $84.99, the kit wasn't cheap.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

This 90-second animation will change your perception of the human body


The human body is a remarkably complex machine, so it would make sense that it houses an abundance of DNA – the blueprints that help guide the body's growth and repair. But how much DNA do our bodies contain, exactly?

Produced by Alex Kuzoian

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Here's why we’re still not cloning humans, 20 years after Dolly the sheep


The taxidermied remains of Dolly the Sheep, the first cloned mammal created from an adult cell, is displayed at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, Scotland April 30, 2014.

Dolly, the first animal to be cloned from an adult of its species, was born 20 years ago today at the Roslin Institute in Scotland.

When her creators announced what they had done, it triggered warnings of rich people cloning themselves for spare parts, of tyrants cloning soldiers for armies, of bereaved parents cloning their dead child to produce a replacement — and promises that the technique would bring medical breakthroughs. Which raises some questions:

Why are there no human clones?

Because of scientific, ethical, and commercial reasons.

The scientists who created Dolly — named after Dolly Parton, naturally — removed the DNA from a sheep ovum, fused the ovum with a mammary epithelial cell from an adult “donor” sheep, and transplanted the result, now carrying DNA only from the donor, into a surrogate ewe. But that technique, called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), turned out not to be so easy in other species.

“I think no one realized how hard cloning would be in some species though relatively easy in others,” said legal scholar and bioethicist Hank Greely of Stanford University. “Cats: easy; dogs: hard; mice: easy; rats: hard; humans and other primates: very hard.”

There has also been no commercial motive for human cloning. Both the assisted reproduction (IVF) and pharmaceutical industries “immediately said they had no interest in human cloning,” said bioethicist George Annas of Boston University. “That was a big deal. All new technologies are driven by the profit motive,” absent which they tend to languish.

The Raelians (a cult that believes humans are the clones of aliens) claimed in 2002 that they had cloned a baby from a 31-year-old American woman, but for some reason the now 13-year-old “Eve” has never stepped forward to claim her place in history.

But surely someone has made money from Dolly-like cloning work?

Livestock cloning has become a commercial business, with ViaGen— part of biotech company Intrexon — cloning cattle, sheep, and pigs. It also clones pets. But it’s not a huge business.

In South Korea, biologist Woo Suk Hwang rebounded from scandal (in 2004, he fraudulently claimed to have cloned a human embryo) to clone hundreds of dogs, cows, pigs, and even coyotes. Price for Fido Redux: about $100,000, Nature reported.

While pet cloning “remains very expensive and very uncommon,” said Greely, “the world’s best polo pony team is made up of clones.” The thoroughbred racing industry bans clones, however.

Did Dolly start a revolution?

If you count by scientific publications, sure: There were only about 60 papers on somatic cell nuclear transfer in the decade before her birth, most of them describing (failed) attempts to use it to produce prized cattle and other commercial livestock, and 5,870 in the decade after, many of them reporting progress toward medical uses of SCNT.

Where are those medical breakthroughs?

They were premised on what’s called therapeutic cloning, to distinguish it from reproductive cloning. The idea is to take a cell from a patient, put its DNA into an ovum whose own DNA was removed, and get the ovum to begin dividing and multiplying in a lab dish, eventually producing specialized cells like neurons and pancreatic beta cells. Those cells could be used for basic research, such as to follow how a disease like ALS develops at the cellular level, or for therapy.

In 2013, a team led by reproductive biologist Shoukhrat Mitalipov of Oregon Health & Science University used somatic cell nuclear transfer to create a human cell line. There hasn’t been enough time since then for the rest of the therapeutic cloning promise to be realized.

Dog Clones

2013? Why did it take so long?

Some animals turned out to be much harder to clone than others, and humans are really tough. It wasn’t until 2014 that scientists, led by Dieter Egli of the New York Stem Cell Foundation, used a variation on the Dolly recipe to create the first disease-specific cell lines from a patient, with type 1 diabetes. The donor’s DNA plus a DNA-free egg produced a line of cells Egli is using to grow insulin-producing beta cells that match the donor precisely, minimizing the chance of rejection. “Now you have cells that are genetically identical to the donor, which will allow us to make patient-specific cells for transplant,” Egli said. “We’re three-quarters of the way there, and that breakthrough is due to Dolly.”

So Dolly deserves the credit if such cells start to be used to cure diabetes and other diseases?

Sort of. Competing techniques, especially “reprogramming” adult cells so they can turn into (potentially) diabetes-curing beta cells and others, have diminished interest in SCNT, since it’s so much harder to pull off. But it was Dolly who showed not only that mammalian cloning can work, but also that “there is something in the egg that could take an adult cell [the sheep mammary cell] backwards in time and restore it to an embryonic state” able to become a whole new creature, said Dr. Robert Lanza, chief scientific officer of the Astellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine. “This is what spurred the discovery of iPS [induced pluripotent stem] cells,” the reprogrammed adult cells that might finally make stem-cell medicine a reality.

Did Dolly have effects outside medicine?

Yes, for endangered species. Lanza and his team adapted the Dolly-making technique to clone endangered species. The first, a gaur, was born in 2001, and their banteng (a species of wild ox) was born in 2003. Both died within days, but efforts are underway to clone such endangered species as the black-footed ferret, possibly the northern white rhino, giant pandas,— and also extinct animals such as the passenger pigeon and mammoth, Lanza said: “We’re likely to see de-extinction become a reality in our lifetime.”

Where is Dolly now?

After developing a lung disease called jaagsiekte, she was euthanized on Feb. 14, 2003, stuffed, and put on display at the Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, where you can find her in a new science gallery starting on Friday.

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NOW WATCH: We visited a one-of-a-kind lab in South Korea that will clone your dog for $100,000

Microsoft set a new record by storing an OK Go music video and the top 100 books ever written on strands of DNA (MSFT)


ok go this too shall pass video

Microsoft announced on Thursday that it has set a new record by storing 200 megabytes of data on strands of synthetic DNA. That's about 10 times the previous record

Back in April 2016, Microsoft Research bought 10 million custom-made synthetic DNA sequences from Twist Bioscience, a San Francisco startup.

The idea was to look into the idea of using DNA molecules as a way to store massive amounts of data. Unlike hard drives, Blu-Ray discs, or pretty much any current storage technology, DNA stays intact and readable for as long as 1,000 to 10,000 years.

With this announcement, only a few months later, the science is starting to bear fruit.

Microsoft was able to successfully encode and then decode a bunch of data to DNA strands, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in more than 100 languages, the top 100 public domain books from Project Guttenberg, the Crop Trust’s seed database, and the high-def music video to OK Go's "This Too Shall Pass."

Why OK Go in particular? Because the video's Rube Goldberg-inspired machinery required the band to bring in lots of outside help from all kinds of cross-disciplines, much like how Microsoft Research had to bring in biologists and computer scientists alike from Twist and the University of Washington to help break this DNA storage record.

"They're very creative and they bring a variety of other areas into their work," Microsoft Research DNA storage project lead Karin Strauss told Business Insider. "We see parallels with our work."

 Two hundred megabytes of data may seem measley. After all, the most basic iPhone holds 16 gigabytes, or 16,000 megabytes. And with an average price-per-gigabyte falling to less than $0.03 in 2016, it's both cheaper and easier than something crazy like storing data on DNA. That's why Microsoft is thinking bigger.

"Initially, what makes the most sense for DNA is archival storage," says Strauss.

Doesn't degrade

While it'll be a long time before it's as fast and as cheap as the solid-state drive that goes into a smartphone, DNA has the potential to be perfect for storing archives of big files, like movies and video, over long periods of time — hard drives, USB drives, tapes, and CD/DVDs degrade over decades, but this synthetic DNA could outlast us all.

That's why books and videos were chosen for this particular project, Microsoft says: To highlight how DNA storage could preserve culture over the long term, even as other technologies come and go. After all, as long as there are humans, there will be DNA, and likely the tools to analyze it.

Ultimately Microsoft Research estimates that one cubic millimeter of DNA can eventually store one exabyte, or one billion gigabytes of data. But the science is handicapped by the fact that it's tough to actually store that much data.  

dna sequencing

DNA storage could become especially useful as the rise of the smartphone era means we're generating more photos, video, text, and audio than ever before. 

While the technology is very real, scientists need to figure out better ways to quickly and automatically encode the data into DNA. Right now, it's a slow, painstaking process, which is why it's only 200 megabytes. Still, Strauss is confident that in the same way hard drives got smaller, cheaper, and faster over the years, so too will DNA storage.

"That's pretty much how all memory technology evolves," Strauss says. "The scaling needs to improve."

Scientists are also still working on the best way to decode the data once it's stored in DNA. So while it might seem really cool to have OK Go's music stored in the new DNA-format, don't expect to watch the video just yet: unless, you happen to have a DNA sequencer in your living room.

SEE ALSO: Microsoft is buying 10 million molecules of custom DNA from a San Francisco startup

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Why a former Under Armour executive just joined a company that wants to become the app store of genetics


Robin Thurston headshot

A company that wants to become a central point to store your genetic information just recruited a former UnderArmour executive as its CEO.

Helix launched in August 2015 with $100 million in funding from Illumina and other partners. It's planning on getting its consumer product ready to launch by the end of 2016.

As part of that process, it's brought on Robin Thurston, who co-founded the MapMyFitness platform that works as a fitness tracker to track your runs, walks, rides, etc. MapMyFitness was acquired by UnderArmour back in 2013, at which point Thurston became the company's chief digital officer.

Thurston spent the past 10 years working on MapMyFitness. "Going back to a startup was something I wanted to do," Thurston told Business Insider.

Helix seemed like a good fit, where he could help the company build a consumer-facing platform that would act like an "app store" of your genetic code.

Every time you do a DNA test, parts of your same genes are just getting sequenced again and again. Helix wants to cut out that physical step.

Instead of sending your spit 10 different places for 10 different tests, you could just let companies access your fully-sequenced genome. That way, companies could just develop the apps that analyze your genetic code to give you the insights you're looking for (where does your family come from, or do you have a mutation that predisposes you to a certain cancer) without the cost of developing a lab.

"Throughout life, you're using it in different places," he said. For example, someone might start out using an app that helps them outline their family history. Then, if that person is confronted with a medical situation in which their DNA could come in handy, they can download another app powered by Helix that will run his or her already-sequenced DNA and spit out the analysis that's now relevant. "It's a single source for the full genome. The access would be immediately rather than being-tested."

Although Thurston's background is working with a fitness app, he said the experience that's coming with him into this new will be more about the platform than it will be the fitness focus, since that's just one area that genetics can play a role.

Creating a platform full of Helix-powered apps that you check on a regular basis is no small feat. From your ancestry to what genes you might pass down to your children, the gravity of the information your genes carry can completely vary. "How do you make the whole category a little more fun?" Thurston said. "How do you make it more accessible to average consumer rather than being too curated and dry? It's definitely going to be a balance."

Over the next few months, Helix might be able to show us what that looks like.

SEE ALSO: Our DNA is 99.9% the same as the person sitting next to us — and we're surprisingly similar to a bunch of other living things

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Scientists might have discovered what causes migraines

DNA might be able to tell us how well our children will perform in school



A new study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatryshows that DNA alone could predict the academic achievement of an individual.

It shows that a genetic score made up of 20,000 different DNA can explain almost 10 percent of the differences between the educational attainment at the age of 16.

DNA therefore is much better at predicting this than gender or a personality trait.

The results makes it relatively easier to identify children with greater risks of having learning difficulties.

Previous studies on twins found that 60 percent of the differences between individuals’ educational achievements are due to differences in DNA. But the twin study is much more in depth, where it can give the overall genetic effect on a trait in a population, while this study used polygenic scores, which only estimates the genetic influence from common variance, and it is this that explains the discrepancy between these DNA-based studies and twin studies (10 per cent vs 60 per cent).

Polygenic Score

The study is based on a genome-wide association study (GWAS) that examined almost 10 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and they identified 74 genetic variants that has significant associations with years of completed education.

The researchers evaluated the academic achievement in Mathematics and English of 5,825 unrelated children aged 7, 12, and 16 from the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS). They found out that those with a higher polygenic score would get a grade between A and B and those with lower scores get an entire grade below in terms of GCSE at the age of 16.

“We believe that, very soon, polygenic scores will be used to identify individuals who are at greater risk of having learning difficulties,” said Saskia Selzam, first author from the Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry (SGDP) Center at King’s College London.

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We talked to a Harvard geneticist who thinks this unlikely ingredient could end one of the longest-raging food wars once and for all


mushrooms burger

The next genetically modified food you eat probably won't be a GMO.

At least not in the conventional sense of the term, which means genetically modified organism.

It will probably be made using Crispr, a new technique that lets scientists precisely tweak the DNA of produce so that it can do things like survive drought or avoid turning brown.

Harvard geneticist George Church thinks crops like these might be our best hope for ending the war against GMOs, which he and dozens of other experts call misguided, once and for all.

"It's a beautiful thing," Church told Business Insider.

The US Department of Agriculture seems to agree. It has already moved two crops made with Crispr — a type of mushroom and a type of corn— closer to grocery store shelves by opting not to regulate them like conventional GMOs. DuPont, the company making the corn, says it plans to see the crop in farmers' fields in the next five years.

When a GMO is not a GMO

What makes these crops not GMOs, you might ask? It all comes down to the type of method that scientists are using to tweak their genes. And Crispr is a far more precise method of modifying genes than scientists have had access to before.

Instead of relying on the genetic engineering people are referring to when they talk about GMOs, which involves swapping out a plant's genes with chunks of DNA from another organism such as a bacterium, Crispr allows scientists to simply swap out a letter or two of the plant's genetic code (composed from the letters A, G, C, and T) and replace it with another one that, say, prevents it from turning brown.

"Changing a G to an A is very different from bringing a gene from a bacteria into a plant," Church said.

Grilled Corn

At the center of the agency's decision not to subject the new crop to its rules is the fact that the Crispr-edited mushroom doesn't contain any "introduced genetic material" or foreign DNA, which is how most GMOs are made.

This could mean that everything we know about genetically modified food is about to change.

"DuPont views the USDA's confirmation as an important first step toward clarifying the U.S. regulatory landscape and the development of seed products with CRISPR technology," Neal Gutterson, DuPont Pioneer's vice president of research and development, told Business Insider by email.

A world of Crispr crops?

Teams of researchers across the globe are working on developing more crops made with Crispr, and experts say the USDA's recent decision is a promising development.

"If USDA decides the first product does not require regulation, that would definitely be encouraging for the many people already using Crispr," Joyce Van Eck, an assistant professor at the Boyce Thompson Institute, told the Genetic Expert News Service shortly before the USDA made its decision.

Crispr was first introduced as a genome-editing tool in 2013 in a couple of common laboratory plants, including a weed called Arabidopsis and a tobacco plant. Since then researchers have been experimenting with it in a range of crops, including oranges, potatoes, wheat, rice, and tomatoes. "By the end of 2014, a flood of research into agricultural uses for CRISPR included a spectrum of applications, from boosting crop resistance to pests to reducing the toll of livestock disease," Maywa Montenegro wrote in January in the science magazine Ensia.

Of course, Church would prefer that people embrace GMO foods as they are now, since numerous scientists have determined they are safe. After all, he said, Americans have embraced GMOs in other things like clothing (94% of the cotton that goes into things like T-shirts is genetically modified).

"I hope people wake up one day and realize, 'Hey almost everything is GM — it's in the air, on our bodies, in our medicine — maybe we can get over the GM foods controversy," Church said.

Until then, we have Crispr.

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The untold story of the scientist who helped discover DNA

Scientists made 4 clones of Dolly the sheep — here's what happened to them all


Nottingham Dollies sheep 1

On July 5, 1996, Dolly the sheep became the world's first ovine (sheepy) superstar.

She was the first mammal successfully cloned from an adult cell, ushering in an era where you can special-order cloned puppies or elite polo horses.

But scientists were also concerned that Dolly could be a cautionary tale: Genetic testing revealed that her DNA showed signs of aging at just one year old, and at 5, she was diagnosed with arthritis. It wasn't clear whether Dolly's problems were because she was a clone.

Dolly eventually died after being diagnosed with a virus in 2003 at six years old — half the typical life expectancy of a sheep of her kind.

"We're presented with a blank slate in a way," researcher David Gardner said during a press conference in the UK on Monday. "We wanted to assess these animals' physiology to see if they're normal."

As it turns out, Dolly may have just gotten a bad shake. Researchers at the University of Nottingham announced Tuesday that four clones derived from Dolly's cell line are alive and healthy at nine years old.

Nottingham Dollies grazing cloned sheep

The four "Nottingham Dollies," as they've been dubbed by their keepers at the Roslin Institute, are the only survivors from a group of 10 Dolly clones born in 2007.

They were raised alongside nine other non-Dolly clones and regular sheep in order to measure their metabolic, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal health. Despite Dolly's seemingly premature aging in her joints, only one of the four clones, Debbie, showed moderate arthritis.

"Metabolically and cardiovascular-wise, they were indistinguishable from other sheep of that age," veterinarian and collaborator Sandra Corr told the press. "We found that the majority of sheep were really very healthy considering their age."

The are also incredibly soothing to watch.

giphy (22)The idea that five clones could all develop arthritis differently and at different ages is a tantalizing hint in the search to teasing out how epigenetics, or factors that affect how genes are expressed, influence the life of an organism.

The sheep were all cloned using the same method that created Dolly, called somatic-cell nuclear transfer.

In this process, scientists remove the DNA (located in the nucleus of a cell) from the mammary gland of an original sheep, then transfer it into the nucleus of an egg cell. Next they give this new egg cell a small jolt — in the case of the surviving Dollies, caffeine — which triggers the cell to start dividing until it becomes a viable embryo.

As cells mature, they differentiate. A skin cell, for example, is different from a lung cell. Part of what made Dolly's successful birth so remarkable is that scientists were able to "reset" those differentiated cells back to undifferentiated cells so they could grow into an entirely new lamb.

This is the most in-depth study of health of clones over their lifespan, according to lead researcher Kevin Sinclair in a video released by the University of Nottingham. (Sinclair took over the project after his predecessor Keith Campbell, who cloned the sheep nine years ago, passed away in 2012.)

So far, the Dollies' good health — helped along by a lifestyle most farmed sheep would likely consider luxurious — is an indication that clones can live long, healthy lives.

"Were cloning to accelerate aging, we would've seen it in this group," Sinclair told the press on Monday.

Watch Sinclair give more details on the life of the Nottingham Dollies below.

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NOW WATCH: We visited a one-of-a-kind lab in South Korea that will clone your dog for $100,000

You could fit the entire human race into a sugar cube — and 13 other facts to put the universe into perspective


universe, stars

The universe is a crazy place. In fact, it's probably the craziest place you've ever been.

It's full of exploding stars and immortal jellyfish and it's been kicking around for almost 14 billion years.

Here are 14 awesome facts to put it all into perspective.

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If you unraveled all of the DNA in your body, it would span 34 billion miles, reaching to Pluto (2.66 billion miles away) and back ... six times.

Source: Business Insider

Almost all of ordinary matter (99.9999999% of it) is empty space. If you took out all of the space in our atoms, the entire human race (all 7 billion of us) would fit into the volume of a sugar cube.

Source: Symmetry

Many of the atoms you're made of, from the calcium in your bones to the iron in your blood, were brewed up in the heart of an exploding star billions of years ago.

Source: PBS

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

What a hidden graveyard from the Roman Empire can teach us about the plague


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The bodies were discovered accidentally.

While digging sewers for a suburban development outside Munich, Germany, construction workers saw what looked like bones. Turns out it wasn’t a single corpse. There were huge clusters of them, stretching underneath gardens and roads — 1,451 to be exact.

The archeologists and boy scouts who later excavated had no way of knowing that these corpses would help scientists understand one of the deadliest diseases on earth.

That disease is plague. And a paper published Tuesday, 51 years after those skeletons were first discovered, provides a detailed analysis of the bacterial DNA responsible for filling that ancient graveyard at Altenerding — and for killing a third to a half of the population of the known world at the end of the Roman Empire.

The finding isn’t just a historical curiosity. It’s a tool for advancing biomedical science.

These ancient bits of DNA form a kind of evolutionary archive, telling the story of a relatively harmless stomach bug that became a rampant killer. Researchers hope to use that story to look for similar transformations in today’s bacteria, and to help us prepare for future outbreaks — both of plague and of other pathogens.

The corpses at Altenerding died in the the first known plague pandemic, which started around 541, centuries before the Black Death that swept through Europe in the Middle Ages. People would develop a fever, along with swellings in their groins or under their arms. They would be dead three days later.

“The Roman emperor Justinian, ruling in Constantinople, ordered an imperial official to count the bodies going out of the gates, and there were so many that they just gave up,” said Michael McCormick, a Harvard historian who studies the Justinianic plague, and one of the authors of the paper. “They gave up around 230,000.”

Most people assume plague disappeared along with the Middle Ages, but it’s still very much alive. Hundreds of patients in Madagascar get bubonic plague every year, and there are scattered infections elsewhere in Africa, in Asia, and in the Americas, too. Last year, at least 15 cases were reported in the United States, mostly transmitted by fleas that had fed on prairie dogs and other wild rodents out West.

bubonic plague

To find and analyze 21st century plague samples, researchers need look no farther than rats in Madagascar, or ground squirrels in Arizona.

But ancient samples are trickier to come by.

Scientists hadn’t even thought to look for plague in the bodies exhumed from Altenerding until 2014, when another team published results from a similar cemetery about 20 miles away. That one was a bit more obvious, because five or six bodies had been dumped in a single hole, suggesting some kind of fast-spreading infectious disease.

The earlier paper provided more evidence that Justinian’s pandemic was indeed the same disease as the Black Death. But scientists wondered if they could get an even better DNA sample from Altenerding.

So they went into Munich’s State Collection of Anthropology and Paleoanatomy and started pulling teeth.

“It turns out with a blood-borne pathogen like plague, the teeth tend to be a pretty good time capsule for DNA,” explained David Wagner, a biologist at Northern Arizona University, and the author of the 2014 paper. “In the underside of your teeth, there are a lot of blood vessels that feed the dental pulp.”

But like cookies kept in a pantry for too long, DNA begins to crumble over time — and finding 1,500-year-old plague is a crapshoot.

“Even if you have two teeth from the same individual, you’re not necessarily going to get the DNA from both teeth,” said Michal Feldman, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, and one of the authors of the new paper.

Only two of 20 skeletons studied yielded reliable plague DNA, and only one of them had enough for analysis.

But the researchers were determined: With a drill, they extracted a fine bone dust, and filtered out anything that wasn’t DNA. Then, using a bit of contemporary plague as a kind of magnet, they dragged out the disease’s genetic material, leaving behind the dead woman’s own DNA and 15 centuries worth of biological contaminants.

It wasn’t much, but it was enough to sequence, and the results were more detailed than what was found in 2014. The team found some 30 spots on the genome that were different from other strains of plague.

None of those bits of DNA alone can explain why, 5,000 years ago, bacteria that caused little more than stomach upset evolved into the terrifying scourge that is Yersinia pestis. Nor can they tell us exactly what caused each plague pandemic to arise and then to recede.

But this kind of study “allows us to make a time line of the important genes,” said Wyndham Lathem, a plague researcher at Northwestern.

Some of these genes may have been acquired from other bacteria, because microbes make a habit of sidling up to each other and exchanging genetic material through temporary openings in their membranes. This kind of behavior is taking place all the time — and that’s how the first antibiotic resistance may have arisen in plague in the 1990s. That means that certain traits — like virulence or resistance — could potentially be passed from one species to another.

And so learning about how these evolve in one kind of bacteria could have much broader implications.

“Understanding what happened during history, understanding when plague emerged, and how it transformed — that is very interesting from a basic point of view,” said Elisabeth Carniel, a plague researcher at the Institut Pasteur in Paris “But also it shows that these kind of events can occur again at any time, anywhere in the word. Understanding how it happened in pestis might be useful to be prepared in case of other types of outbreaks.”

SEE ALSO: Here's where the plague is most common in the US

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NOW WATCH: The deadliest disease known to humans has been killing us for over 20 million years

This recent scientific finding on DNA could be a forensic breakthrough


dna sequencing

It’s hair-raising news for criminals on the run.

Scientists behind a new study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, have worked out how to identify individuals solely based on the proteins in a single strand of their hair.

While prosecutors already look at DNA from hair as part of investigations, the technique is far from ideal: DNA is easily degradable, meaning it can only be analysed within a certain time period after the crime.

But the new technique could even be used to solve historical or archaeological cases, making it far superior to DNA sequencing in many ways.

DNA degradation depends on several environmental factors including temperature, humidity and pH. It is also affected by the activity of bacteria and other microorganisms. In contrast, actual hairs can survive for a long time – sometimes centuries. After bones and teeth, hair is in fact one of the most resistant structures of the human body.

The physical flexibility and robustness of the hair structure is due to proteins with a high degree of intermolecular bonds. A single hair is associated with some 300 different proteins.

Protein profiling

In order to understand how the protein can be used to identify individuals, it is important to understand that proteins are coded by DNA. This means that a certain level of the genetic variation that we see in different people’s DNA passes into their proteins. In fact, genetic information in the DNA is translated into amino-acid chains that make up proteins.

The authors focused their attention on hair samples obtained from four different groups of people. Three samples were collected from American-European, American-African and Kenyan living subjects.

The fourth was collected from two British archaeological excavations, one in London and the second in Kent, dating from about 1750 to 1853 respectively. They also analysed hair samples from 76 living humans of American-European and African descent.


Hairs from different subjects were milled and then biochemically processed with a solution of urea, the major organic component of human urine; dithiothreitol, a detergent; and a substance called trypsin, which can cut chains of amino acids.

This resulted in mixtures of peptides (short amino-acid sequences), which were then analysed using a liquid chromatography mass spectrometer, which separates compounds of particular masses so that we can identify them.

In this way, the researchers managed to pin down around a hundred protein markers that can help identify someone using a single hair. The most common proteins, both in the modern and archaeological samples, were structural compounds like keratins – the main component of hair – and related proteins.

The accuracy of the technique is such that we can reliably identify an individual among 12,500 people in the European population (the value was considerably lower in the African population).

But this accuracy can be greatly improved by analysing more and more peptides and discovering further protein markers. The current accuracy can be compared to that at the beginning of the DNA typing era. But nowadays, DNA sequencing can reliably identify a person among 1013unrelated individuals.

Real promise

The method not only allows for human identification but it can also reveal how old the sample is and what region it comes from, so that we can distinguish between current and ancient samples. But while the discovery is exciting, the technique is not quite polished enough to be used in the court room.

The main task now will be to analyse hair samples from all over the world, which will make it a lot more reliable. It may one day be a great complement to DNA sequencing and may even be the first point of call in many criminal investigations. But, unlike DNA analysis, it won’t be able to distinguish between twins.

This is the latest in a number of studies showing how useful hair can be in forensic investigations. Studies are also showing that morphological and toxicological analyses of hair may provide useful information on the circumstances of death. Hair lesions may give indications of blunt and sharp force trauma, and may give away culprits who are hair fetishists.

The new discoveries will boost the significance of hair as evidence in courts, at a time when some forensic disciplines have been criticised in the US. It will also be of great use in archaeology.

In the landmark forensic science book A fly for the Prosecution (2000), Professor Lee Goff set out how tiny insect evidence can help to solve major crimes. Today’s discovery suggests the title for what could be another influential book: A Hair for the Prosecution.

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Surprising ways that a vegetarian diet is changing human genes

Police are routinely building up private DNA databases


DNA Swab

The five teenage boys were sitting in a parked car in a gated community in Melbourne, Florida, when a police officer pulled up behind them.

Officer Justin Valutsky closed one of the rear doors, which had been ajar, and told them to stay in the car. He peered into the drivers’ side window of the white Hyundai SUV and asked what the teens were doing there. It was a Saturday night in March 2015 and they told Valutsky they were visiting a friend for a sleepover.

Valutsky told them there had been a string of car break-ins recently in the area. Then, after questioning them some more, he made an unexpected demand: He asked which one of them wanted to give him a DNA sample.

After a long pause, Adam, a slight 15-year-old with curly hair and braces, said, “Okay, I guess I’ll do it.” Valutsky showed Adam how to rub a long cotton swab around the inside of his cheek, then gave him a consent form to sign and took his thumbprint. He sealed Adam’s swab in an envelope. Then he let the boys go.

Telling the story later, Adam would say of the officer’s request, “I thought it meant we had to.”

Over the last decade, collecting DNA from people who are not charged with — or even suspected of — any particular crime has become an increasingly routine practice for police in smaller cities not only in Florida, but in Connecticut, Pennsylvania and North Carolina as well.

While the largest cities typically operate public labs and feed DNA samples into the FBI’s national database, cities like Melbourne have assembled databases of their own, often in partnership with private labs that offer such fast, cheap testing that police can afford to amass DNA even to investigate minor crimes, from burglary to vandalism.

And to compile samples for comparison, some jurisdictions also have quietly begun asking people to turn over DNA voluntarily during traffic stops, or even during what amount to chance encounters with police. In Melbourne, riding a bike at night without two functioning lights can lead to DNA swab — even if the rider is a minor.

“In Florida law, basically, if we can ask consent, and if they give it, we can obtain it,” said Cmdr. Heath Sanders, the head of investigations at the Melbourne Police Department. “We’re not going to be walking down the street and asking a five-year-old to stick out his tongue. That’s just not reasonable. But’s let’s say a kid’s 15, 16 years old, we can ask for consent without the parents.”

baltimore police

In Bensalem Township, Pennsylvania, those stopped for DUI or on the street for acting suspiciously may be asked for DNA. Director of Public Safety Frederick Harran credits the burgeoning DNA database Bensalem now shares with Bucks County’s 38 other police departments with cutting burglaries in the township by 42 percent in the first four years of the program. Plus, Bensalem pays for the testing — which is conducted by a leading private lab, Bode Cellmark Forensics — with drug forfeiture money, making it essentially free, Harran added.

“This has probably been the greatest innovation in local law enforcement since the bulletproof vest,” Harran said. “It stops crime in its tracks…. So why everyone’s not doing it, I don’t know.”

While Harran tells his officers to be careful not to push people to consent, civil rights advocates see a minefield in cases that morph from stop-and-frisk to stop-and-spit.

There are clear precedents for obtaining DNA from people who have been convicted of crimes and from those under arrest. Under the Fourth Amendment, law enforcement must have a reasonable suspicion that a person is involved in a crime before requiring a search or seizure.

But the notion of collecting DNA consensually is still so new that the ground rules remain uncertain. Who can give such consent and what must they be told about what they’re consenting to? Who decides how long to keep these samples and what can be done with them? Maryland’s Supreme Court is the highest to rule on such a case, saying in 2015 that law enforcement could use DNA voluntarily provided to police investigating one crime to solve another, but that case didn’t take on DNA collected outside of an investigation, in chance street or traffic stops.

More challenges seem inevitable, said Jason Kreag, a University of Arizona law professor who’s written about local law enforcement’s expanding use of DNA. Police interviews that lead to DNA collection — particularly involving juveniles—have the potential to create “a coercive environment,” he said. “The laws and the legislatures just haven’t caught up with this type of policing yet.”

Harran echoed that. “There’s no laws, there’s nothing,” he said. “We’re in uncharted territory. There’s nothing governing what we’re doing.” He wants for private database programs to establish their own best practices. 


Private DNA databases have multiplied as testing technology has become more sophisticated and sensitive, enabling labs to generate profiles from so-called “touch” or “trace” DNA consisting of as little as a few skin cells. Automated “Rapid DNA” machines allow police to analyze DNA right at the station in a mere 90 minutes. Some states allow “familial searching” of databases, which can identify people with samples from family members. New software can even create composite mugshots of suspects using DNA to guess at skin and eye color.

Strict rules govern which DNA samples are added to the FBI’s national database, but they don’t apply to the police departments’ private databases, which are subject to no state or federal regulation or oversight. Adam’s DNA, for example, was headed for a database managed for Melbourne by Bode Cellmark Forensics, a LabCorp subsidiary, which has marketed its services to dozens of small cities and towns. The lower standards for DNA profiles included in private databases could lead to meaningless or coincidental matches, said Michael Garvey, who heads the Philadelphia Police Department’s office of forensic science, a public lab.

“No one knows what the rules are about what they’re going to upload into these private DNA databases or not,” Garvey said. “Mixtures, partials — what’s their criteria? It varies.”

When Adam’s father found out the police had taken his son’s DNA, he immediately contacted the Melbourne Police Department to ask what the department intended to do with the sample and on what legal basis it had been taken. As a doctor, he understood what had happened could have far-reaching implications.

“My concern, being in the medical field, is that it’s not just Adam’s DNA,” he said. (ProPublica is withholding his name to protect the privacy of his son.) “It’s my DNA, it’s my wife’s DNA, and our parents. Not to sound bad, but you just get nervous. There’s some collateral damage there.”

Sanders explained that Adam had given his consent, making the sample usable under department policy, though it had not yet been sent to the lab for testing. He said that as long as Adam didn’t get into trouble, the family had nothing to fear.

Unsatisfied and determined to get the sample destroyed, Adam’s dad took the only other step he could think of — he called a lawyer. It was attorney Jason Hicks’ first encounter with a stop-and-spit case. He quickly realized he and his clients were on the edge of a legal frontier.

“First, I was just shocked that it had happened,” he said. “Then I was frustrated by the lack of a vehicle to challenge it.”


Traditionally, certified local, state and federal forensic labs have tested DNA collected for law enforcement purposes, funneling these profiles into the FBI-run Combined DNA Index System, or CODIS.

The FBI’s standards for profiles uploaded to CODIS are rigorous. CODIS will only accept “partial” profiles under certain circumstances, and all samples must be tested by FBI-approved labs. The national database includes DNA from convicted offenders and arrestees in some states, but not from people merely suspected of crimes. State law dictates when databases linked to CODIS must toss out DNA profiles.

Private databases do not have any such constraints. FBI agent Ann Todd said that the DNA profiles stored in private databases would not be eligible for inclusion in the national database because “those profiles do not meet the strict eligibility, quality, and privacy standards set forth in the federal law.”

Smaller jurisdictions used to rely on larger ones for DNA testing, but many public labs have become backlogged as demand for their services has risen. In 2012, New York became the first state to require DNA collection from those convicted of any crime, not just violent ones, and at least 29 states now authorize collection from anyone arrested for certain crimes. Many states have also passed laws requiring DNA evidence from rape cases to be tested within a certain amount of time, increasing pressure on public labs.

Private operators have stepped in to meet the appetite for testing in cities and towns that can’t afford their own labs and have few violent crimes that would rise to the top of a public lab’s priority list. Bode Cellmark Forensics charges about $100 to $150 a swab — little enough for cops to swab everything from the steering wheel of a stolen car to the nozzle of a spray-paint can used for vandalism — and boasts a 30-day turnaround time for results.

Palm Bay, Florida, launched the nation’s first private DNA database program about a decade ago, working in partnership with DNA:SI, a private lab in North Carolina founded by Amway executive Bill Britt. The lab offered its services for free for the first year in exchange for Palm Bay’s spreading the gospel to other police departments. The program’s aim was for high-volume collection and testing to help solve the area’s high-volume crimes, which were mainly property crimes.

Sure enough, the first “match” solved a string of break-ins at the gated community where the city’s then police chief, William Berger, resided. The burglar even hit Berger’s house, slicing through a screen and stealing a couple of floats from his swimming pool. Berger brought in a canine team, which tracked the floats to the woods, then had the floats and the screen door latch swabbed for DNA. Five days later, a young man was caught attempting to shoplift at Wal-Mart. The Palm Bay police officer called to the scene didn’t make an arrest (the store declined to press charges), but the shoplifter consented to a voluntary DNA test. Turned out the shoplifter was also Berger’s burglar.

Encouraged by that success, Palm Bay police collected over 800 reference swabs from crime suspects in the first 10 months of the program, plus over 1,600 crime-scene items and evidence swabs. Five years later, the database contained profiles from about 3,500 people. “We were way ahead of the game,” said Berger.

dna sequencing

Since its database remained siloed, apart from interconnected local, state and federal collections of DNA, the department understood that collecting a high volume of samples was critical.

To start, officers swabbed every single crime scene, no matter how minor the crime, said John Blackledge, then Berger’s deputy. Blackledge and his colleagues would decide which crime scene and suspect swabs to send to the lab, and in what order.

“It had to be that there was reasonable suspicion that this person was involved in criminal activity that fit within the interesting cases that we were working,” he said. “On top of that, the officer had to write a clear report that convinced me that this was either a free and voluntary swab, or that we had to get a search warrant.”

Since then, the department’s DNA collection seems to have become more aggressive. Sgt. Michael Pusatere, who now heads the department’s Crime Scene Unit, says officers work to solicit DNA from “repeat offenders” and people with whom the department comes into contact frequently, as well as people hanging out in high-crime areas late at night.

“We try to get as many people as we can into the database,” Pusatere said. “A database of four or five people isn’t really usable within a city of 106,000 people.”

Blackledge said building a private database also allowed the city to collect more DNA from juveniles. When Palm Bay’s program was starting, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s DNA database, which feeds into the FBI’s national one, contained profiles from over 297,000 adults, but only 35,000 juveniles. “They’re very reluctant to take juveniles,” Blackledge said. “That’s half of my freakin’ violators!”

In the years since Palm Bay started its program, neighboring police departments in Melbourne, West Melbourne and several small beach communities followed their lead, signing contracts with Bode Cellmark Forensics after DNA:SI went out of business. West Melbourne said it ended its collection program in May because it wasn’t delivering enough hits, but every four to six weeks, Palm Bay and Melbourne submit anywhere from 25 to 100 swabs apiece. They estimated that, collectively, they had amassed 7,000 or 8,000 reference and evidence samples spanning the region.

Many of the reference swabs are so-called “elimination” or “victim” samples, swabs taken from crime victims to eliminate them from the DNA mix during analysis. Others are from so-called “field interviews” — people who volunteer them during traffic stops, street stops and other consensual encounters with police.

Most big-city police departments say they do not solicit voluntary DNA samples under these circumstances — only from victims, or, occasionally, suspects associated with specific crimes. When asked about DNA collection during traffic or street stops, Rana DellaRocco, director of the Forensic Laboratory Section of the Baltimore Police Department, laughed and said, “God, I think if they even tried to suggest that, I think that our ACLU might actually have the top of their heads explode.”

police protests

According to a document obtained through a public information request, the Melbourne Police Department collected 307 cheek swabs in 2015, most of which were elimination samples. Fifteen were taken from suspects in connection with a particular crime; nine more were taken when suspects were arrested; and 38 were taken during field interviews unconnected to any particular crime.

Nationwide, local law enforcement agencies that have started DNA collection programs have taken a variety of approaches deciding whose DNA they will seek and under what circumstances.

Only Palm Bay, Melbourne, and West Melbourne said they have asked juveniles to volunteer their DNA without getting their parents’ permission.

Since 2007, the District Attorney’s office in Orange County, California, has offered certain non-violent offenders the chance to have their charges dismissed in exchange for contributing cheek swabs to a special separate DNA database — a “spit and acquit” program, as the local media nicknamed it. As of mid-August, according to the DA’s office, over 145,000 people had voluntarily donated their DNA to this database.

Unlike their Florida counterparts, police in Greensboro, North Carolina — one of 16 departments that make up the North Carolina DNA Consortium — don’t gather samples through street or traffic stops. Instead, they started their program by approaching people who were repeat offenders or in ankle monitor programs, asking them to hand over DNA. Now they get samples from suspects connected to, or arrested for, particular crimes.

Police in Branford, Connecticut, draw a different line in collecting DNA. They’re instructed to request DNA from people they merely observe acting inexplicably or strangely. “Say we’re having a lot of problems with car break-ins, and we see you walking in a neighborhood where there are normally car break-ins, and you’re out at two o’clock in the morning,” said Capt. Geoffrey Morgan of the Branford Police Department. When people don’t offer persuasive answers for why they’re there, officers may get suspicious and ask for a swab. “And you know how many people say, ‘No, I don’t mind’?” Morgan added. “A lot.”

Morgan said his officers always get consent in writing, and often also record the process with their body cameras. Police in Melbourne, Bensalem, and Greensboro say they insist on getting consent, too, but other departments acknowledge their databases include samples gathered without it. West Melbourne police say they’ve collected “abandoned DNA” from chewing gum or cigarette butts left by people who refused to sign consent forms. Fairfax County, Virginia, police try to record consent in writing, but it’s not always possible.

“In some circumstances in the field, Patrol Officers do not always have forms readily available,” public information officer Don Gotthardt said in an email.

Police departments with private DNA databases also vary in how they respond to requests to throw out DNA donated voluntarily.

The North Carolina DNA Consortium will expunge a sample if a person submits a letter asking them to, said Stephen Williams, the Greensboro Police Department’s director of forensic services. But Branford, Connecticut, wouldn’t honor such requests.

“They can ask, but we don’t necessarily have to,” Morgan said. “I mean, if they gave it to us consensually, then they gave it to us consensually.”

Adam hadn’t been charged with a crime, so there was no criminal court that his attorney, Jason Hicks, could approach to have the evidence thrown out. Hicks also couldn’t find any case law emanating from litigation over similar cases.

Hicks zeroed in instead on the consent form Adam had signed and, in particular, whether he had genuinely understood he could refuse the police officer’s request for DNA.

Since Officer Valutsky had told the boys to stay in the car, Hicks reasoned it had been pretty clear to them that they wouldn’t be allowed to leave unless one of them handed over DNA. That sounded more like an illegal detention than a consensual conversation, the attorney charged, one that was not justified by the officer’s reference to previous “suspicious activity” in the neighborhood.


“Law enforcement has to have a reasonable suspicion that those kids are specifically committing a crime,” Hicks said. “Not just that some clowns in the neighborhood had committed some crimes in the past — that doesn’t let them create a police state into infinity.”

When Hicks wrote to Cmdr. Sanders and made this argument, Sanders initially struck a conciliatory note, agreeing to toss the sample even though he disagreed that the police had acquired it illegally.

“As long as Adam is not a frequently seen name in our police reports I would not have a use for his sample,” Sanders wrote to Hicks in a July 16, 2015 email. “Since his encounter with the officers Adam’s name has not resurfaced, nor is there another entry for Adam in our computer system. Therefore, in order to end this situation I will have the items collected in this case removed from our files and destroyed.”

Subsequently, however, Sanders told Hicks that the sample couldn’t be destroyed until the City of Melbourne arranged a new contract with a company that handled the disposal of forensic evidence. He also expressed concern that expunging Adam’s DNA would create a precedent that could jeopardize the legitimacy of the whole DNA collection program. Hicks didn’t care about precedent, just his client.

The dispute meandered on for months, with Hicks checking in every so often with Sanders to ask about Adam’s DNA sample and being told it was still sitting in a pile marked “to be destroyed.”

Finally, on August 23—a year and a half after Adam handed over his cheek swab—Sanders sent word the sample would be destroyed the very next day.

Adam’s family was relieved the wrangling was over, but Hicks remains concerned that police continue to pursue voluntary DNA collection, with few constraints on how they gather genetic material and from whom. “If this is okay, what’s to stop police from walking up to children on a playground or a basketball court and sticking Q-tips in their mouths?” Hicks said. “As a parent, I get concerned about the erosion of the Fourth Amendment over time.”

Adam’s dad still can’t believe his son needs parental consent to go on school field trips or to learn to drive a car, but not to give up his DNA to the police under Florida law.

“For me, the crux of it is, can they ask for an underage kid to consent to something like that without a parent?” he asked. “According to the police department, that seems to be their policy. But to the general public, I think that would be news to them.”

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This startup is selling $1 million plates of made-to-order, custom-built DNA to companies like Microsoft


twist bioscience silicon chip

In San Francisco's Mission Bay neighborhood, a 20-minute streetcar ride away from Google's city offices, lies hidden a DNA factory.

That's not an embellishment: Twist Bioscience, a venture-funded startup with investors including Russian billionaire Yuri Milner and Dr. Boris Nikolic, science advisor to Bill Gates, is writing millions of dollars worth of made-to-order synthesized DNA to silicon slabs, just a few inches in surface area.

The custom DNA market has been around for decades. But now, it's poised to explode, as drugmakers and biology labs across the world turn to bespoke DNA samples to explore gene therapy and create new vaccines

Now, there's even more demand for custom DNA than ever before, as companies like Microsoft start to explore the possibilities of using DNA as a kind of super-intense hard drive to store lots of data even in the event of global apocalypse. In fact, Microsoft bought 10,000 strands of custom DNA from Twist earlier in 2016.

twist bioscience founders

Twist CEO Emily Leproust, PhD, is very careful to say that while Twist didn't invent the process of writing custom DNA, they're applying a Silicon Valley mindset to making the process cheaper, easier, and more flexible than ever before. 

"We are an engineering company, not a chemistry company," says Leproust.

(Oh, and in case you're concerned, the DNA printed by Twist isn't really "alive" by any measure. It's just immensely tiny protein molecules.)

DNA machine

The key to the whole affair lies in a machine that's so proprietary and important to Twist, I wasn't allowed to take pictures and the company doesn't publish any on the web. 

Laboratories have been using machines synthesizing custom DNA since the early 1970's. But the process has historically been time-consuming, slow, and prone to errors: It's hard for say, Microsoft, to try a new experiment when you need to wait "weeks and weeks and maybe even months" for your custom DNA to arrive, Leproust says.

Twist's top-secret solution automates much of the process with a machine that looks a little like the the inkjet printer you may have at your office. Little "ink" tanks hold the raw DNA bases that they can put into sequence, per the customers' order.

twist bioscience DNA wells

As the nozzle passes over a wafer of silicon, the same heat-tolerant mineral used for computer processors, it deposits 10,000 "blisters" of DNA bases every 21 minutes or so. Once the DNA is written to the wafer, it goes upstairs to a different laboratory for final processing and preservation, turning those "blisters" into deeper and more resilient "wells," so it can be shipped out.

It's like Kinko's, but each print costs $1 million and might go to better mankind. With each wafer so valuable to the company, accuracy becomes key: You don't want to put "the million dollars at risk," as Leproust says.

Before each pass of the machine, a camera on the printer's nozzle actually lines up with little crosshair targets on the silicon. When you're dealing with microscopic bits of DNA, even getting it just a little bit off-kilter can result in the whole wafer having to be tossed out.

Then, after final processing, it's taken off the silicon wafer and shipped out to customers in vials.

The business case

Okay, so each DNA-laden wafer sells for $1 million. But who's buying?

Lots of biology labs have need for custom DNA, for everything from testing new vaccines to using gene therapy to develop new drugs.

But since custom DNA synthesis has historically been so slow and so pricey, labs have been forced by budgetary restrictions to go to other, cheaper alternatives, including cloning, where you give up the ability to custom-design your sample by making a literal genetic copy of your existing samples. 

Dog Clones

"They have more ideas than they had money," Leproust says. 

While Twist is charging customers a lot, it's still as much as one-third the price as custom DNA has cost historically, Leproust says. And Twist's turnaround time for delivering the DNA is days, not weeks. Customers can do science, tweak their parameters, and have a new sample to continue research all within a week.

Right place, right time

It's a case of being in the right place at the right time, too. The science of genetic research is progressing nicely, making for a nice and growing market for Twist's products. But the tech giants, notably Microsoft, are starting to experiment with using DNA for computer storage.

Big businesses, banks, and hospitals all have a habit of storing important archival data on old-fashioned magnetic tape storage, basically big cassette tapes. But those tapes tend to wear out after 30 years, meaning decades of data can be lost.

twist bioscience DNA machine

DNA, though, has a ton of potential. Unlike magnetic tape, DNA can stay totally intact and readable for as long as 10,000 years, in the right situation. Once the science gets far enough, DNA can store a lot of data, too: You can fit "the whole internet in a shoebox" one day, Leproust says. 

Ultimately Microsoft Research estimates that one cubic millimeter of DNA can eventually store one exabyte, or one billion gigabytes of data. But the science is handicapped by the fact that it's tough to actually store that much data.  

And while technology trends may come and go, there's going to be a need and capability to "read" human DNA for as long as there are humans, meaning it's way more reliable. 

In all cases, the market for custom genes is around $1 billion and $15 billion for DNA storage, Leproust says, and both markets are only growing as the world wakes up to its potential. And if everybody is going to want DNA, Leproust sees Twist as playing an important role in getting it to them.

"I want to be the one to make the DNA," Leproust says.

SEE ALSO: Microsoft set a new record by storing an OK Go music video and the top 100 books ever written on strands of DNA

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Scientists have worked out how this tiny bear-like creature is indestructible — and it could help shield people from radiation



A new protein discovered in tardigrades — or water bears if you want to use their cuter name — helps shield them from harmful radiation, making them virtually indestructible. And researchers hope their new finding could be used to protect the DNA in our cells too.

Scientists from the University of Tokyo decoded the water bear's genome to find the protective protein.

Like water bear cells, human cells are damaged when they're exposed to X-rays. But in the lab, when the scientists manipulated human cells to be able to create the water bear shielding protein — called Dsup — they showed about half the DNA damage as normal cells.

This changes a lot of what scientists thought they knew about how water bears deal with radiation, as they were previously thought to have proteins that repaired damaged DNA, rather than proteins that halt damage altogether.

"What's astonishing is that previously, molecules that repair damaged DNA were thought to be important for tolerating radiation. On the contrary, Dsup works to minimize the harm inflicted on the DNA,"Takuma Hashimoto, one of the lead authors of the paper, said in a statement

Water bears have fascinated researchers for a long time.

tardigrade microThere are over 1,000 species of water bears. The creatures grow to about 0.5mm long and get their name from their bear-like claws and podgy frame. If you want to find some, pick some wet moss and squeeze it, and water bears should fall out, which you'll be able to see through a microscope.

It is widely known that these critters can withstand some remarkably tough conditions. By shrivelling up into dehydrated balls, water bears can survive boiling and absolute zero temperatures, and can live without food or water for over 30 years. They have even survived in the vacuum of space.

They manage this by going into a state of cryptobiosis, which is when all metabolic processes stop. When they find themselves in better conditions, they come out of the state and carry on as they did before. Also found in the water bear genome were more copies of an anti-oxidant enzyme and a DNA repair gene than in any other animal. These help counteract oxidation damage when it's dehydrated. 

The discovery of the new radiation shielding protein reveals another trick these tough animals have up their sleeve. By discovering more about their survival tricks, the researchers hope to learn more ways to protect human cells from damage. For example, if dehydration tolerance can be transferred, this could be particularly useful when transporting delicate skin grafts and organs.

There's also the possibility of learning about what kind of organisms could live in extremely hostile environments— such as on the surface of Mars — and maybe even bioengineering organisms to survive there.

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NOW WATCH: A massive sinkhole dumped 215 million gallons of radioactive water into Florida’s water supply

In a world first, a scientist has begun editing the genes of healthy human embryos


dna editing CRISPR human embryos

A scientist in Sweden has begun editing the genes of healthy human embryos for the first time in known history, according to an exclusive report published by NPR.

NPR's Rob Stein watched biologist Fredrik Lanner of the Karolinska Institute and a graduate student thaw five embryos that had been donated for research before having the student inject the embryos with the genome editing tool CRISPR/Cas-9, which can essentially find and cut out or replace sections of DNA to activate or even replace specific genes.

CRISPR basically works like "a molecular scalpel for genomes," as Jennifer Doudna, a biologist frequently credited as one of the co-discoverers of this revolutionary genetic editing system (and one of the first to use it), previously described it to me. "All the technologies in the past were sort of like sledgehammers ... This just gives scientists the capability do something that is incredibly powerful."

Lanner's plan is to use the tool to study early embryonic development, the process by which embryonic cells first begin to divide as an embryo grows during its first days. None of the embryos will be allowed to develop for longer than two weeks.

Still, editing healthy embryos is a big step, as it's the same technology that could permanently alter the human genome. This technology could allow us to eliminate deadly genetic diseases from people before they are born (and remove these genes from the human genetic library, eventually) but could also in theory be used to engineer desired traits into children.

Since Lanner does not plan to implant the embryo into a person, none of that is an issue here. Still, NPR notes that some are concerned that if he shows it's possible to accurately edit human genes in healthy embryos (something we don't know yet, and something that this research could reveal), people could use that knowledge to actually edit and implant embryos in the future. That would make genetically edited human babies possible scientifically, if not legally.

dna editing CRISPR

In states that don't regulate embryo research in the US, the experiments that Lanner is doing would be legal, since there are no plans to implant edited embryos into people. That sort of procedure — one that could result in an actual birth — would need to be approved by the FDA, and the current budget bill does not allow the agency to accept a proposal to do so.

The National Academies gene editing committee expects to publish a report with specific recommendations on governance of gene editing research for the US government in early 2017.

While Lanner is the first to do this research in healthy human embryos, other researchers have similar plans in the UK. Researchers in China have also already published data on their efforts to edit non-viable human embryos.

You can read NPR's report on the Shots blog or listen to the Morning Edition segment about the experiment below.

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NOW WATCH: Watch science writer Carl Zimmer explain CRISPR in 90 seconds

Monsanto may have just ended the war on GMOs


mushrooms burger

The next genetically modified food you eat probably won't be a GMO.

At least not in the conventional sense of the term, which stands for genetically modified organism.

It will probably be made using Crispr, a new technique that lets scientists precisely tweak the DNA of produce so that it can do things like survive drought or avoid turning brown.

On Thursday, the agriculture giant Monsanto nabbed the licensing rights to the technology from the Broad Institute to use in its seed development. This is the first license the institute has issued to a company for use in agriculture. (The agriculture giant DuPont Pioneer, on the other hand, is collaborating with another science company, called Caribou Biosciences, to license its own Crispr crops, including corn.)

Using Crispr, an agriculture company can get around the restrictions on GMOs and, they hope, the opposition to them — because a crop altered using Crispr isn't technically a GMO at all.

Harvard geneticist George Church thinks crops like these might be our best hope for ending the war against GMOs, which he and dozens of other experts call misguided, once and for all.

"It's a beautiful thing," Church recently told Business Insider.

The US Department of Agriculture seems to agree, as does Monsanto. The USDA has already moved two crops made with Crispr — a type of mushroom and a type of corn— closer to grocery store shelves by opting not to regulate them like conventional GMOs. DuPont, the company making the corn, says it plans to see the crop in farmers' fields in the next five years.

When a GMO is not a GMO

What makes these crops not GMOs, you might ask? It all comes down to the method that scientists use to tweak their genes. And Crispr is a far more precise method of modifying genes than scientists have had access to.

Instead of relying on the genetic engineering people are referring to when they talk about GMOs, which involves swapping a plant's genes with chunks of DNA from another organism such as a bacterium, Crispr allows scientists to simply swap out a letter or two of the plant's genetic code (composed of nucleotides denoted by the letters A, G, C, and T) and replace it with another one that, say, would prevent the crop from turning brown.

"Changing a G to an A is very different from bringing a gene from a bacteria into a plant," Church said.

Grilled Corn

At the center of the department's decision not to subject the new crops to its rules is the fact that the Crispr-edited crops don't contain any "introduced genetic material" or foreign DNA, which is what most GMOs are made with.

This could mean that everything we know about genetically modified food is about to change.

"DuPont views the USDA's confirmation as an important first step toward clarifying the US regulatory landscape and the development of seed products with Crispr technology," Neal Gutterson, DuPont Pioneer's vice president of research and development, told Business Insider in an email.

A world of Crispr crops?

Teams of researchers across the globe are working on developing more crops made with Crispr, and experts say the USDA's recent decision is a promising development.

"If USDA decides the first product does not require regulation, that would definitely be encouraging for the many people already using Crispr," Joyce Van Eck, an assistant professor at the Boyce Thompson Institute, told the Genetic Expert News Service in April, shortly before the USDA made its decision.

Crispr was introduced in 2013 as a genome-editing tool in a couple of common laboratory plants, including a weed called arabidopsis and a tobacco plant. Since then researchers have experimented with it in a number of crops, including oranges, potatoes, wheat, rice, and tomatoes.

"By the end of 2014, a flood of research into agricultural uses for Crispr included a spectrum of applications, from boosting crop resistance to pests to reducing the toll of livestock disease," Maywa Montenegro wrote in January in the science magazine Ensia.

Of course, Church would prefer that people embrace GMOs as they are now, since numerous scientists have determined they are safe. After all, he said, Americans have embraced GMOs in other things like clothing. (More than 80% of the cotton that goes into things like T-shirts is genetically modified.)

"I hope people wake up one day and realize, 'Hey, almost everything is GM' — it's in the air, on our bodies, in our medicine. Maybe we can get over the GM foods controversy," Church said.

Until then, we have Crispr.

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The oldest continuous society began more than 50,000 years ago


Aboriginals dance in front of Old Parliament House in Canberra, Australia on Monday February 11, 2008.

The most comprehensive genetic study of Indigenous Australians to date indicates that the group is the oldest continuous civilisation on Earth, dating back more than 50,000 years ago - and that modern Indigenous Australians are the descendants of the first people to settle Australia.

The new paper, alongside two others published today in Nature, reveal important information about the origins and migratory history of our species, including insight into the common ancestors of all non-African humans alive today.

According to the DNA results in two of the papers, most modern Eurasians are descended from a single wave of migrants that left Africa around 72,000 years ago.

From that original migration, Indigenous Australians and Papuans (ancestors of indigenous people from New Guinea) split off and ventured across the sea around 58,000 years ago before arriving in Australia roughly 50,000 years ago - and were likely the first humans to cross an ocean.

"This story has been missing for a long time in science," one of the researchers, Eske Willerslev, an evolutionary geneticist from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, told Hannah Devlin at The Guardian.

"Now we know their relatives are the guys who were the first real human explorers. Our ancestors were sitting being kind of scared of the world while they set out on this exceptional journey across Asia and across the sea."

The Papuan and Australian indigenous populations seemed to split from each other around 37,000 years ago, before the continents were separated.

Indigenous Australians remained almost entirely isolated until around 4,000 years ago - but in the thousands of years it took them to get to Australia, it seems they came into contact with a range of other hominin species, and around 4 percent of their genome comes from an unidentified hominin relative.

To come to this conclusion, the international team of scientists sequenced the genomes of 25 Papuans and 83 Indigenous Australians from the Pama-Nyungan-speaking language group, which covers around 90 percent of Australia.

A second study led by a Harvard Medical School team, and also published today in Naturemapped the genomes of 300 people from 142 diverse populations worldwide, looking for any genetic changes associated with the evolution of modern human traits, such as painting cave art and the use of sophisticated tools - but didn't find any.

"There is no evidence for a magic mutation that made us human,"Willerslev told The Guardian.

While the results are compelling, they leave a lot of blanks to be filled in - and not everyone is convinced that they settle the question of how we migrated out of Africa.

Even though two of the genetic studies support one single wave of migration out of Africa, the third paper that came out today has evidence of at least two migrations out of Africa.

Led by Luca Pagani, an biological anthropologist from the Estonian Biocentre in Tartu, the study did also find evidence of a huge migration of humans about 75,000 years ago, but it also found evidence of an earlier migration around 120,000 years ago - which his team says accounts for around 2 percent of modern Papuan genomes.

The key to getting a clearer picture of what went down in our ancient history will now be to combine genetic evidence with archaeological evidence - something the three new studies didn't fully explore.

"Human history is this really fascinating and complex puzzle, and genetics can tell us about some of the pieces," Joshua Akey, an evolutionary geneticist from the University of Washington, who wasn't involved in any of the studies, told Rachel Becker from The Verge.

"It’s really important to integrate information from as many other disciplines as possible."

Some scientists have also already cast doubt on how accurate the genetic timeline is.

"I don’t think this study will be the final word on this issue, as recent discoveries in places like China cast a big shadow over it," Darren Curnoe, from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia, told Rae Johnston from Gizmodo.

"I guess it all comes down to the assumptions you make in your genetic clock, and these are very much up for grabs at the moment, making molecular dates like these rather prone to error."

So the case definitely isn't closed on how humans first ventured out of Africa and populated the rest of our planet, but if nothing else, this new research serves as an important confirmation that Indigenous Australians really were the first to inhabit the continent - something that has, in the past, had doubt cast on it.

"This study confirms our beliefs that we have ancient connections to our lands and have been here far longer than anyone else," Aubrey Lynch, an Indigenous elder from the Goldfields area in Western Australia, told Devlin.

You can read the three new Nature papers here, here, and here.

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